So I have been reading a lot of books lately, well trying to at least, but I just finished "The Devil Wears Prada". I'm not sure how I feel about it. I saw the movie first and LOVE it, but the book is really different. The basic story is the same, but there are major differences in the events. I couldn't get into the book until the end. The overall ending of the book is definitely different from the movie too, but I almost like it better. You see a much larger change in the person that Andrea had become when you read the book.
I have now started reading "Dear John" by my fav Nicholas Sparks :) It is really great so far and I can't wait to see the movie. I think NS just gets better and better with every book. I would love to meet him one day!
I am also reading "Captivating" by John and Staci Eldridge. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to be starting two books at one time since I have a hard enough time getting through one book in a good amount of time, but I'm going to try it :) I have been wanting to finish this book for years now. I started reading it for a small group when I was in college, and never finished it. It's been so long now that I'm just starting over. I'm trying to get into reading "spiritual" books again. They give me a guide with studying the Bible and keep me more organized. It's good to have as an addition to the Word. Some opinions I take to heart and others are either here nor there for me. I think it's a great book for women to read. It reveals a lot of things about us and gives reminders for what God created us to do in his kingdom and in our families, etc. I hope to share things with you as I read. Hopefully I will give good insight and provoke someone else's curiosity..
I will leave you with those thoughts for now! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday! It's almost the weekend!!
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