I had my 27 week appointment this morning, and everything went great! I had my glucose test, which is not my favorite but I passed with flying colors :) I wasn't worried, but it's good to know that all is as it should be with my health and my little girl's. Her heartbeat was 144, and I'm now on an every 2 week check-up schedule. I weigh 128 lbs now, so that puts me at a total of 14 lbs. gained and 7 lbs since my last visit. She is really starting to grow and last week my stomach hurt so bad from stretching. My body is adjusting now though. I'm feeling normal, just really big and pregnant. Some days I can't wait to have my body back, but I'm trying to enjoy these last weeks of feeling life inside me. It truly is the most amazing feeling in the world! I am so lucky as a woman to experience pregnancy and birth. So the days I don't feel comfortable or long to have a little belly again, I make myself think about how awesome this experience is and soak it up!
Here are a few pics since my last belly post:
24 1/2 weeks |
26 1/2 weeks |
26 weeks, 6 days |
My niece will be here tonight, so I'll be blogging about her in the next few days. Her arrival is making me anxious for my little girl's, but I know she's not ready yet ;) Happy Wednesday! Can't wait for Halloween festivities this weekend!
You are the cutest pregnant person ever! I love all of your maternity clothes! :)