Monday, December 19, 2011

Meaning of Christmas

I have been so busy trying to get everything ready around here for the kids, etc  It's so easy to get caught up in all of that and forget what Christmas is really about.  This is something I'm really thinking about this year...Why celebrate Christmas as the rest of the world?  What do I mean??  Christmas has become something so far from what it should be.  Instead of celebrating Jesus and our families, we just WANT and WANT!  Chris and I have been talking a lot lately about this.
What do we want our kids to know about Christmas?  Do we want them to know about Santa?  I think Santa is fun to do with kids.  They get so excited about getting a surprise on Christmas morning.  I always loved it when I was a child.  And while there is nothing wrong with believing in a man in a red suit bringing you presents, believing in Jesus means SO much more!  Although Jesus' birth is considered to be around a different season than Christmas time, I love the idea of setting aside a time to really focus on the birth of our Savior.  That's a celebration that is neither false or materialized!  I so want my children to know that a Savior was born into this world of sin and sadness to rescue them, to redeem them.  That to me makes Christmas the most special time of the year.
Just thought I would share some of the thoughts whirling around in my head lately.  Maybe I sound ridiculous, but I think I'm seeing things so much more clearly.

"When they saw the star, they were overjoyed."  Matthew 2:10

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