Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm still here...

Hello friends...if there are any of you left?!  I have been MIA for over a month sorry about that. ;)  Things around here have been crazy.  I have so many things to blog about but I of course need to do the Mom thing and brag about my kiddos and give an update on them.

Mark and Alyssah both had a well check-up recently.
Alyssah had her 18 month check-up (She is now a week away from being 20 is that possible?!).  She weighed 26 lbs, and believe me she feels every bit as much as 26 lbs.  Some days I feel like it's more.  She still loves being held and some days I love the cuddly little girl that she is but other days my arms feel like they are going to fall off!  She also grew about an inch since her 15 month check-up.  She is right on track and is so sweet and happy.  She is at the terrible twos stage though so some days she is a ray of sunshine and other days a crabby tantrum-filled monster ;)  She's really not that bad, haha!  *This too shall pass*

Mark went with us for a 4 year check-up as well.  He made sure to tell Dr. Carter he was not there for shots! :)  Love my little know-it-all boy!  He weighed 36 lbs and is at 40 inches.  Mark is so much fun right now.  He is learning so much in preK, and I'm so proud of him!  His handwriting is getting better everyday.  I can't wait for him to start reading.  He's growing into a big boy too fast for me, but he still cuddles with me and loves hanging out with me so I'm doing ok with it so far ;)

We have had lots of things going on with us lately.  I'll blog about our friends' wedding later and post our family pictures we had done back in July.  I love them!  I can't wait to take Christmas ones.  I love this time of year.  So very thankful to have my sweet little family to share it with.

I also wanted to share a verse that has been on my heart this week.
"Let your roots grow down into Him. and let your lives be built on Him.  Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."  Colossians 2:7

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend :)  God bless!

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