Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm finally caught up!

Well I'm officially up to date on my blogging! In my world it's still been December...where did you come from January? It has snuck up on me, but I'm back. 2009 was good and bad for us. It was wonderful because I have never felt so blessed in my life. It was a tough one though b/c Christopher lost his job, so financially speaking we have been struggling. We are thankful to have friends and family who have taken care of us emotinally and monetarily :) Christopher has had a job for a couple of months now, so it could have been worse. He also had an interview at the Kia plant on Thursday. Hopefully he will be getting a call soon and we can get back on our feet. I know 2010 is going to be a better year. I'm looking at it with a world of possibilities and being positive. We should hopefully be moving to Opelika so we will both be closer to our jobs, so that will save money and give us more family time. We be farther away from our friends and family but that's what our weekends can be used for! I'm excited about all the changes we will be making and I'm thankful that God has been with us and will continue! No pictures today but I think I have posted quite enough for you to look at from Christmas :) Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!


  1. Hey Adam's, will you buying or renting if you move to Opelika? If you need any help let me know.

  2. Opelika seems so far away :(
